18 research outputs found

    Data clustering using a model granular magnet

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    We present a new approach to clustering, based on the physical properties of an inhomogeneous ferromagnet. No assumption is made regarding the underlying distribution of the data. We assign a Potts spin to each data point and introduce an interaction between neighboring points, whose strength is a decreasing function of the distance between the neighbors. This magnetic system exhibits three phases. At very low temperatures it is completely ordered; all spins are aligned. At very high temperatures the system does not exhibit any ordering and in an intermediate regime clusters of relatively strongly coupled spins become ordered, whereas different clusters remain uncorrelated. This intermediate phase is identified by a jump in the order parameters. The spin-spin correlation function is used to partition the spins and the corresponding data points into clusters. We demonstrate on three synthetic and three real data sets how the method works. Detailed comparison to the performance of other techniques clearly indicates the relative success of our method.Comment: 46 pages, postscript, 15 ps figures include

    Critical Disordered Systems With Constraints and the Inequality ν \u3e 2/d

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    The renormalization group approach is used to study the effects of a “canonical” constraint (e.g., a fixed number of occupied bonds) on critical quenched disordered systems. The constraint is found to be always irrelevant, even near the “random” fixed point. This proves that α\u3c0, or that ν\u3e2/d. “Canonical” and “grand canonical” averages thus belong to the same universality class. Related predictions concerning the universality of non-self-averaging distributions are tested by Monte Carlo simulations of the site-diluted Ising model on the cubic lattice. In this case, the approach to the asymptotic distribution for “canonical” averaging is slow, resulting in effectively smaller fluctuations

    A Cluster Method for the Ashkin--Teller Model

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    A cluster Monte Carlo algorithm for the Ashkin-Teller (AT) model is constructed according to the guidelines of a general scheme for such algorithms. Its dynamical behaviour is tested for the square lattice AT model. We perform simulations on the line of critical points along which the exponents vary continuously, and find that critical slowing down is significantly reduced. We find continuous variation of the dynamical exponent zz along the line, following the variation of the ratio α/ν\alpha/\nu, in a manner which satisfies the Li-Sokal bound zclusterα/νz_{cluster}\geq\alpha/\nu, that was so far proved only for Potts models.Comment: 18 pages, Revtex, figures include

    Self-Averaging, Distribution of Pseudo-Critical Temperatures and Finite Size Scaling in Critical Disordered Systems

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    The distributions P(X)P(X) of singular thermodynamic quantities in an ensemble of quenched random samples of linear size ll at the critical point TcT_c are studied by Monte Carlo in two models. Our results confirm predictions of Aharony and Harris based on Renormalization group considerations. For an Ashkin-Teller model with strong but irrelevant bond randomness we find that the relative squared width, RXR_X, of P(X)P(X) is weakly self averaging. RXlα/νR_X\sim l^{\alpha/\nu}, where α\alpha is the specific heat exponent and ν\nu is the correlation length exponent of the pure model fixed point governing the transition. For the site dilute Ising model on a cubic lattice, known to be governed by a random fixed point, we find that RXR_X tends to a universal constant independent of the amount of dilution (no self averaging). However this constant is different for canonical and grand canonical disorder. We study the distribution of the pseudo-critical temperatures Tc(i,l)T_c(i,l) of the ensemble defined as the temperatures of the maximum susceptibility of each sample. We find that its variance scales as (δTc(l))2l2/ν(\delta T_c(l))^2 \sim l^{-2/\nu} and NOT as ld.Wefindthat\sim l^{-d}. We find that R_\chiisreducedbyafactorof is reduced by a factor of \sim 70withrespectto with respect to R_\chi (T_c)bymeasuring by measuring \chiofeachsampleat of each sample at T_c(i,l).Weanalyzecorrelationsbetweenthemagnetizationatcriticality. We analyze correlations between the magnetization at criticality m_i(T_c,l)andthepseudocriticaltemperature and the pseudo-critical temperature T_c(i,l)intermsofasampleindependentfinitesizescalingfunctionofasampledependentreducedtemperature in terms of a sample independent finite size scaling function of a sample dependent reduced temperature (T-T_c(i,l))/T_c$. This function is found to be universal and to behave similarly to pure systems.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Critical behaviour of the Random--Bond Ashkin--Teller Model, a Monte-Carlo study

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    The critical behaviour of a bond-disordered Ashkin-Teller model on a square lattice is investigated by intensive Monte-Carlo simulations. A duality transformation is used to locate a critical plane of the disordered model. This critical plane corresponds to the line of critical points of the pure model, along which critical exponents vary continuously. Along this line the scaling exponent corresponding to randomness ϕ=(α/ν)\phi=(\alpha/\nu) varies continuously and is positive so that randomness is relevant and different critical behaviour is expected for the disordered model. We use a cluster algorithm for the Monte Carlo simulations based on the Wolff embedding idea, and perform a finite size scaling study of several critical models, extrapolating between the critical bond-disordered Ising and bond-disordered four state Potts models. The critical behaviour of the disordered model is compared with the critical behaviour of an anisotropic Ashkin-Teller model which is used as a refference pure model. We find no essential change in the order parameters' critical exponents with respect to those of the pure model. The divergence of the specific heat CC is changed dramatically. Our results favor a logarithmic type divergence at TcT_{c}, ClogLC\sim \log L for the random bond Ashkin-Teller and four state Potts models and CloglogLC\sim \log \log L for the random bond Ising model.Comment: RevTex, 14 figures in tar compressed form included, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Percolation and cluster Monte Carlo dynamics for spin models

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    A general scheme for devising efficient cluster dynamics proposed in a previous letter [Phys.Rev.Lett. 72, 1541 (1994)] is extensively discussed. In particular the strong connection among equilibrium properties of clusters and dynamic properties as the correlation time for magnetization is emphasized. The general scheme is applied to a number of frustrated spin model and the results discussed.Comment: 17 pages LaTeX + 16 figures; will appear in Phys. Rev.

    Clustering data through an analogy to the Potts model

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    A new approach for clustering is proposed. This method is based on an analogy to a physical model; the ferromagnetic Potts model at thermal equilibrium is used as an analog computer for this hard optimization problem. We do not assume any structure of the underlying distribution of the data. Phase space of the Potts model is divided into three regions; ferromagnetic, super-paramagnetic and paramagnetic phases. The region of interest is that corresponding to the super-paramagnetic one, where domains of aligned spins appear. The range of temperatures where these structures are stable is indicated by a non-vanishing magnetic susceptibility. We use a very efficient Monte Carlo algorithm to measure the susceptibility and the spin spin correlation function. The values of the spin spin correlation function, at the super-paramagnetic phase, serve to identify the partition of the data points into clusters. Many natural phenomena can be viewed as optimization processes, and the drive to understa..

    Super paramagnetic Clustering of Data (SPC)

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    .96> i = 1; : : : ; q. Any neighboring couple, ! i; j ?, whose colors do not agree has to pay a penalty J ij that decays with distance. The cost function is defined as E (fs i g) = X !i;j? J ij \Gamma 1 \Gamma ffi s i ;s j \Delta The Maximum-Entropy principle and the average cost constraint lead to the Gibbs distribution over all possible clusterings, thus the probability for a given clustering fs i g is Prob (fs i g) = exp \GammaE (fs i g) =T Z where Z is a normalization factor and T is a Lagrange coefficient coupled to the average cost constraint. T<